I think it's the latter. That and the director is a complete moron, too.
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I HATE when they use the DAMN built-in mic on the camera and the moron camerman has to keep moving his hand on the camera every .4 seconds so we get that nice and CONSTANT LOUD crackling and clacking sound. Not only that but he can't be still with the camera for more than 2 seconds before he tries to give us all motion sickness by swooshing all over the dman place and zoom in on such terribly interesting things as the pattern on the model's SOCKS. But a fucking mic boom and a mic you cheap assholes! And USE IT to mic the model so we can hear HER and not the moron cameraman. And give the cameraman something to calm his ass down so he'll stop moving the camera so fucking much. This is NOT a good video. It sucks. The cameraman needs to be flogged and the MEN need to shut the fuck up. Also, it's not fisting unless her hand goes inside her up to the wrist. This is four finger fingering. Not fisting. I think the girl being fingered did what she was paid to do. I'm not so sure abot the other girl. But the men just need to butt the fuck out and leave it up to the intelligent people born with pussies. I'm sorry I clicked on this one. There's 14:14 I'll never get back. At least the girls were nice to look at.
This is NOT a good video. It sucks. The cameraman needs to be flogged and the MEN need to shut the fuck up.
Also, it's not fisting unless her hand goes inside her up to the wrist. This is four finger fingering. Not fisting. I think the girl being fingered did what she was paid to do. I'm not so sure abot the other girl. But the men just need to butt the fuck out and leave it up to the intelligent people born with pussies.
I'm sorry I clicked on this one. There's 14:14 I'll never get back. At least the girls were nice to look at.